Proof that life can progress beyond disagreement. Napster gets their act together and both they and the bands can make some much deserved and hard earned money. Life is better with version 2.0.
…because it seemed like the only way I’d understand it would be to join and start using it. So far I’ve posted the earth-shaking revelation that I’m sitting in Starbucks waiting for a client meeting. I don’t notice yet that my life or the world have suddenly become better for it, but I’ll press on
I so have to make one of these. It’ll at least be a solution to the gear acquisition syndrome (GAS) issue. Hard to complain about a camera made from scraps. I might get looked at a little funny lining up shots with a used matchbox. Such is life. I can only imagine what they’ll say
Alright, fine. I admit it. I have a problem. We went to the monthly antique show (aka flea market, aka junk market) this morning and I bought a camera. And then I bought another one. And another one. And one more. Four total, but dang-it, I can use them all! I’ll get photos and put
One day, two events that have demonstrated the reality of life in a capitalistic society. Event #1 – Got an email first thing today with a subject along the lines of “JPG Magazine, Goodbye”. Opened it and read it, confirming what I expected. JPG Magazine is shuttering all operations in three days. They’ve not been
Testing WordPress for the iPhone to see how well it works. So far it’s connected just fine. Now we’ll see if the posting works correctly. If you can read this, I suppose it did. Oughta’ have a photo too, eh?