Category: Life 2.0

Coolest use of the web I’ve seen today…

Stop me if you’ve heard this one… Guy goes for a hike. Guy finds a shiny thing at the bottom of a river. He pulls it out to find he’s got a totally trashed Sony digicam. Being a geek-type, he removes the memory stick and figures out it safely maintained 244 photos and 25 movie

We’ve Come a Long Way Baby

Proof that life can progress beyond disagreement. Napster gets their act together and both they and the bands can make some much deserved and hard earned money. Life is better with version 2.0.

So I’ve joined Twitter…

…because it seemed like the only way I’d understand it would be to join and start using it. So far I’ve posted the earth-shaking revelation that I’m sitting in Starbucks waiting for a client meeting. I don’t notice yet that my life or the world have suddenly become better for it, but I’ll press on

Test entry from the iPhone

Testing WordPress for the iPhone to see how well it works. So far it’s connected just fine. Now we’ll see if the posting works correctly. If you can read this, I suppose it did. Oughta’ have a photo too, eh?

First Submission to JPG Magazine!

Submitted a photo to JPG Magazine to the theme “Geometry” for an upcoming issue.  I haven’t had a photo published in wide circulation in 20 years, so I’m hoping for selection. And hey, $100 is $100.